Comment by Sneaky Toes on Accessing Django server from AngularJs App: Easy...
Is there a way to check what the server is asking for?
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Accessing Django server from AngularJs App: Easy...
I've tried above but now I'm getting an error related to cross origin referencing. I'm getting: XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.thiswebsideexample/api/thing. Response for preflight has invalid...
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Django: browsable api main content not updating
Sure thing, I'll update the above with screenshots.
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Is it possible to use different themes based on...
Multi theme applicator can apply different themes based on file type. Coul you please mark my answer as correct? The current accepted answer could mislead people into thinking this isn't possible.
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Javascript performance: console.time
Interesting. Yes I wasn't using the same values each time so I'll have to try that. So interesting that it doesn't matter the order! Thanks for the help!
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Javascript performance: console.time
Good catch! Yes, I made sure they weren't operating on the same array before running these tests. However, they aren't operating on the arrays with the same elements, so I'll have to change that.
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Is it possible to use different themes based on...
This answer isn't right anymore. There is a package you can use, called the multi-theme-applicator
View ArticleComment by Sneaky Toes on Django: Making a Notification Engine
hi @schlumpfpirat, unfortunately I don't remember exactly how I triggered this. It's been a few years since I've coded in Django, I'm sorry! I'm guessing it was triggered via cronjob or a subscription...
View ArticleAccessing Django server from AngularJs App: Easy authentication solution?
I've been looking everywhere but can't seem to find an answer that has been helpful.I have written an angular app that is trying to pull data from a django RESTful backend that was written by my...
View ArticleEdit all cells in a column in ng-handsontable + Angularjs
I'm having trouble checking/unchecking all cells in a column in my ng-handsontable. My controller looks like:$scope.items= [{},{},{},{}];$scope.columns = { data: 'foo', title: "<input...
View ArticleAnswer by Sneaky Toes for AngularJs, Django RESTful and Restangular:...
I have not found a solution which performs a get() on all nested urls independently without doing it explicitly in the controller.So for these twice nested jsons, I created three different objects...
View ArticleAngularJs, Django RESTful and Restangular: Consuming an array of hyperlinks
I'm having trouble configuring restangular to consume a list of api urls in my response object.Currently, my object response looks like:{ folders: ['http://localhost:8000/api/folder/1',...
View ArticleDjango Restful: Nested Serializers
I'm adding a 'tests' field to my 'Sample' model, where 'tests' will be a list of 'TestRequest' objects. Currently, I'm getting this error:Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field...
View ArticleAngularJs + Django RESTful: session based authentication
I'm developing an angular web application that will replace the current website that we have. The current website uses session based authentication. At the moment, I can't access the hosted API with...
View ArticleAnswer by Sneaky Toes for Restangular nested child query infinite loop
I'm not sure why it would be infinitely running. It could have something to do with AngularJs' digest cycle.To avoid this problem entirely, one solution could be:You have a $scope.parents variable....
View ArticleDjango: Making a Notification Engine
I've been building a email/sms notification engine. A person or group can be subscribed to an object and if the object gets updated, the people/groups will be notified of the change by...
View ArticleAnswer by Sneaky Toes for Django Admin: Dynamically remove inline fields
Turns out it wasn't showing up because the user didn't have the permission to add/edit/delete the nested inline Event. Just in case anybody has this problem in the future I'll leave it | event |...
View ArticleDjango Admin: Dynamically remove inline fields
I'm trying to dynamically remove an inline if the user doesn't have the specified permission to edit that data. However, the inline only shows up when I'm logged in as a super user. How would I fix...
View ArticleAnswer by Sneaky Toes for Sphinx: runtime error django 1.9
I don't know if this is an error fix, or a workaround:in, add:import djangoos.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'myapp.settings'django.setup()
View ArticleSphinx: runtime error django 1.9
Currently I'm using Django 1.9 and Django Rest Framework. I'm attempting to use Sphinx and it's autodoc functions, but I'm hitting an error on make html. The does not import.myapp/
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